Friday, December 16, 2011

1 month later

So much has happened in the past month.

First the good part. We received more information about our future daughter...we'll call her "K" for now. K is doing very well and we even received video that was made about a month ago. She is precious. She is soft spoken, bright eyed, and very cute. I keep watching the video over and's slowly sinking in that this little being on the other side of the world is our daughter. What a strange phrase to even say out loud...strange but incredibly joyous.

As I mentioned before she has had a rough go of things, but from what we've learned, it's nothing that we can't handle as a family. I keep imagining all that she's been through, and then I picture the changes that are about to come her way. How can ANY 5 year old be expected to go through that? Bless her heart...I just want to shelter her from all of it, yet she has to go through it in order for her to become a part of our family. We both just want her here...we want to let her feel the love we feel for her in our hearts already.

I have definitely fallen in love with her and it's honestly quite scary. There is the risk that something goes wrong and we don't get to bring her home. I pray daily that there won't be any problems. That is all I can do..pray and trust Him. I know that but sometimes it's hard to remember to actually DO it. I think the next several months are going to creep by very slowly for me!

The sad news to share is that we lost a very special member of our family on Thanksgiving day. Monty was the love of my sister's life and died unexpectedly. We happened to be in Oklahoma for Thanksgiving this year and I'm so glad we were. I don't know that I actually DID anything to help but I'm glad we were able to be there for a few extra days to support and love on my sister. She's an incredible woman whom I have always looked up to and admired. She's the best mom I know and has a generous, loving heart.

Simply put, it just isn't fair that she had to lose someone who loved her so well. I hate that she has to go through this grief, but I also know she loved, and was loved by him very deeply. I know she wouldn't give up the 4 years she had with him. It's just sad and surreal that he is gone. It's been 3 weeks (today) and I still can't wrap my mind around it. We've all discussed that losing Monty is definitely a reminder to never let a day go by without telling those you love just  how you feel. Don't take tomorrow for granted..things can change in an instant!

Prayers that K is kept safe and healthy in the coming weeks, and for peace and comfort for my sister would be appreciated. Oh and for patience for myself and Andy. Thanks!

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