Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Amazing Grace

It's taken me a few days to absorb the message we heard at church on Sunday. It was so awesome, and the timing was so perfect...I didn't want the morning to end. It was one of those Sunday mornings where you just feel the Holy Spirit inside of you, and that God is speaking directly to you. It's as if you have a special audience with Him. Not that He's not here all the time...but sometimes, there's just a certain something and you know He has heard your heart.

In a nutshell, the message was about the Grace that God has given to all the believers. Grace: undeserved kindness. John the pastor talked about the cost of that Grace for God and how He paid the ultimate price so that we, his children can spend eternity in heaven with Him. And we don't earn it...otherwise it wouldn't be called Grace!

These are all things I know. It's never a bad time to have that reminder. And then...he brought up adoption. John talked about the cost to the parents...financial, emotional, etc...and what it means for the child. He had an associate pastor join him on stage (who had adopted internationally a few years ago). They pointed out the similarities in being adopted into God's family. As an adoptive parent, you LOVE that child. If the child misbehaves, you don't send them back. The child doesn't "earn" his/her right to be in your family by being a good person.

On top of that, they talked about the  joy of adopting. They discussed the possible fate of a child who isn't adopted. They talked about the joy of hearing that child say "I love you daddy" that first time. They talked about the joy that child brings to the family.

I needed it. I'm angry about the constant delays. Every now and then Satan, who does his job so well, whispers in my ear. I allow those whispers to bring doubt into my mind. I suddenly begin to believe that I won't be enough for Katelyn..that she's going to need more than I can do/give. I start to wonder if my two boys will be okay and what cost this adoption will bring to them.

Then I heard that message. I was reminded of all the reasons we are so excited to bring her home. I remembered the joy I know she will bring to us. I remembered what a privilege it's going to be to be her mom.  I remembered that God is who brought us to this decision and that no matter if/how difficult it might get, He will be with us every step of the way. We CAN do this! We just need that sweet little face here so we can begin our journey.

Perfect, absolutely perfect timing at church this week. I LOVE when that happens! I spoke to the associate pastor after the sermon and told him how much I appreciated him sharing his story, and how much I needed to hear it. He was touched and we all prayed together. He knows this torturous wait well and knew exactly how and what to pray.

And then we ended our Sunday by Skyping with Katelyn and sharing some time with her. I was pretty low on Saturday about the whole thing. Sunday renewed it all and gave me strength to go further and wait more. I'm so thankful for our church here.

If anyone wants to hear the sermon. It will be smartest way you've spent an hour of your time in a long while. Click on the link and check out the one entitled Amazing Grace.

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