Monday, January 7, 2013

More news that isn't really news

So we heard from the agency. They (the orphanage) scheduled Skype calls for all of the other families except ours. The agency is following up on that. They've asked the orphanage weekly if the Mayor has submitted the documents and so far, no dice. They are going to ask again tomorrow if they can get any info from the courts to see where we are in the process.

She also threw out there that foster cases take 4-5 months on average. Multiple times we've been told they take 90-120 days, often much faster. It's just discouraging. My 12 year old self read the "4-5 months" line and said "whatever" in reply. I hate timelines right now.

Finally, they also mentioned that they would be doing a "travel call" with all of the families that will be traveling soon. I don't know what that means but hey, we'll participate in anything having to do with our case, any day, at any time. I figure it's more about the details of what our trip will be like. At least we know we must be going soon if they're including us in that right??

And I'm officially obsessed with all things Katelyn. I've wanted her here and dreamed about it, but I think I've gone over the edge. I constantly do the math and figure out what time it is for her, what she might be doing. This afternoon I knew she would probably just be waking up for her Tuesday.  I picture her in her little school uniform . I dress the boys for cold weather and think about how the social worker thought our 55 degree weather would be VERY cold to Katelyn. I chuckle when I see the thermometer at 40 degrees and picture her all bundled up. I imagine her at church, sitting next to us, meeting the other families who have adopted internationally and ask about her constantly. I cook dinner and set 4 plates, wishing there was a 5th. I make spaghetti and wonder if she'll think it's anything like the spaghetti she claims to like in Taiwan. I put on makeup and think about the fact that I get to share that with her one day. I talk to the boys through the rearview mirrored tilted down to see the backseat and picture her right there in the middle. I talk to the ESL teacher and check out her classroom, imagining Katelyn in the room. I walk through Target and meander through the girl's section..mentally shopping on my way. We see previews  for a movie that will be out this spring or summer and realize she'll be here to see it. I think about the people in the neighborhood who contributed to our garage sale...and know that they'll notice when she's finally home.

I guess going over the edge is a good sign. It must, it really must be close right?

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