Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Staple-gate update # 2

The county has agreed to remove the staples and then write a statement saying they removed it, not us. The supervisor was very apologetic and I almost laughed out loud when she looked so puzzled and said "we NEVER attach the certifications like this...this is so strange." Of COURSE they don't! and of COURSE it happened to us! Oh well...at least it's almost over. We are praying TECO accepts the documents now!

To add to my last post, Nathan was a little off today and then suddenly spiked a fever this afternoon. After a trip to urgent care, an attempt at blood work (where 4 adults were unable to hold him still enough to get the blood draw), a urine test (where he decided it was actually pretty amusing to make his mother hold a cup that he peed into), and a shot of antibiotics (where the 6'4" tech holding him down had trouble doing so), we are home and he will be on the mend soon. Never a dull moment!

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